Monday, September 10, 2007


So this is my first entry. I find it strange that I am even here, every diary I have had never lasted more then a couple weeks.
I guess I am here because my mind is full of thoughts. My husband and I have been TTC (trying to concieve) for 2 months now. This is so mind consuming. I am constantly wondering if I am pregnant, when will it happen, why hasnt it happened yet, what was that twinge I just felt. It is almost driving me crazy. So, here I am trying to figure out my thoughts and control them too I guess.
I am so excited that we are ready for this, it took awhile to get here. When we were first married we knew we were not ready for a family quite yet. I dont know why, but last spring we started talking about it, and we decided we were ready. We picked this fall as our time to start. I love that he is excited too, he will be such a great dad.
Why is it making me crazy when my period arrives and I know I am not pg? In all honesty I am just fine if it doesnt happen right now. I trust that it will happen when the time is right for us.
So my plan, for cycle 3 TTC is to relax and just let things happen if they will- and expect nothing to happen. If I do anything else, I think I will go CRAZY!

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