Monday, September 10, 2007


if someone would have told me that.....
that...... once I was finally KU I would symptom obsess even more then I did while TTC, I would have never believed it! Oh, it is true. Evenything I obsess about. Or lack of symptoms, I can obsess about that too.
that.... all our months of TTC and getting a -hpt, would end with getting a BFP in March, giving us a december due date. Which works nicely for us because I can take the most time off work.

things I want to remember
My symptoms before my BFP where minimal. Cramps the night of 7dpo, and a temp dip in my chart at 8dpo. Around 10dpo, developed an odd taste in my mouth.
Thats it! everything else was the same, sore bbs ect.
we did relax this month, and had fun with it. made it much more enjoyable!

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