Monday, September 10, 2007


what will our kids be like?
I love the bob and sheri show- and listening on my drive to work the chat room topic was something about you did this when you were young- and it came back to get you how? well, most callers were talking about how thier kids are doing things 10 times worse then they ever did. All I could think about was that both Chris and I had issues with putting things in our noses, ears etc.
Chris was much worse then I! at the age of 11 he shoved so much paper in his ears he had to go to the ER. 11!!! I was like 3 when I pulled the button stunt. He also are a whole bottle of baby asprin... he was pretty naughty as a kid.
I think I was kind of a rotten teenager. Life was rough at that time. Why was I so insistant on having a boyfriend from like age 14 on? The only time I was without was when I was 21-22 for about a year or so when Chris and I broke up. Then I took the time to "date". I hope I can relay this to my kids, that I want them to "date" not have a steady relationship when young.
I found my diarys from when I was younger.... I started to read them and then quit. I could not do it. maybe some day. But I remmeber being a teen rumaging thru ALL of my mom's stuff. I best get rid of it when I have older kids... I dont want them reading what I did!

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