Monday, September 10, 2007


My husband and I have been oil and water lately. We are so short, and not communicating well. The honeymoon stage must be over.
He wants to buy land, I want to save our money so someday I can work part time. He thinks that is dumb, I think buying land isnt smart right now. We just dont seem to be on the same page at all. we have been so busy too, that changes things too. Time to just sit down and talk!!!!
In about a week I should know if I am pregnant this cycle. I am doing a great job not analyzing my symptoms. I do have to say, my boobs hurt quite a bit today. But after last month, I swore I was KU- so there is no symptom analyzation going on here! So I am praying for strength! and some patience too! of and communication skills to fix things with my hubby!

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