Monday, September 10, 2007


need strength
So, this recently I started temping and OPKing. Both have had ups and downs. For some reason, Fertility Friend said I ovulated on CD11. I dont think so! And my OPK's were not working properly. I emailed the company, turns out thier instructions were wrong. GRRR! now that I have proper instructions they work nice. DUH!
So I am quesioning my O date of 11th, even though I thought my OPK was a -, maybe it wasnt. Just gotta wait and see.
Chris and I agreed that we would bd every other day. I try to keep it fun, heck I think I work really hard at it. We want to bd EOD from CD8-24ish. So, I tried to initiate the bding tonight, he did not want to. Too tired. I feel rejected. It really should not matter, I dont have EWCM, did not get a + on my OPK.
There are so many things about TTC that are hard. Some things are unexpected, like DH not quite getting this TTC stuff, not quite understanding what is going on with your body.
I need to be strong, and patient. It will make this whole process alot more pleasant, and easier too.

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