Monday, September 10, 2007


After some thought, I do know what to think.
I have read, and reread that letter.
I feel sad for her! To be this upset about things 10 years later, and to not be able to just let things go! She needs help! She is so angry!
I want so bad to send her a letter, but I dont think I should. So here is what I feel I neeed to say.
Steph- go get help! and get past this, and enjoy life. Also, take some self-responcibility for the choices you have made in your life.
What you wrote, should have stayed private. Once in awhile, it does make people feel better to sit down and write a good old pissed off letter to someone and then never write it or say to them! That is the file this letter belonged in.
Even though I was not your "friend", I never once called you names. I treated you the same as I treated all other classmates. And for you to HATE me as much as you hate the ones that were calling you names disgusts me.
I did not stick up for you. As a teen that is hard to do. I barely stuck up for my "friends". See, as a teen when you stick up for the one being picked on you draw attention to yourself, and you become the one picked on too. All of us were just as self-conscience as the next and did not want that attention drawn to ourselves.
Do you want to know what hurts me from HS years? One of the people I called "friend" hurt me the most. She backstabbed me the most, and sold me out whenever she could. Yet we were still "friends". However, I look at myself internally and feel the most anger at myself for not being stronger and not having this girl as my "Friend". The way I see it with you- is it was your FRIENDS calling you these names. Maybe you should take some self-responcibility and put your blame on yourself for not being stong enough to say I dont need people like you to be my friends. I have some other issues and hurt from school age years too. But I have moved on.
We all got picked on, we all have bagage from those years. We found a way to get over it.

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