Wednesday, December 12, 2007

finding ways to pass the time

Waiting for baby is making Chris and I crazy! We fought so much last weekend, and I swear we are purposly irritating each other. We are just ready for baby, and we cleared our schedules just in case baby came early. Now each day is so long, and we are just sitting around. Week days aren't so bad... but the weekends are tourtore! Friday is my last day at work, and Chris is done with work next thursdays regardless of what baby decides to do.

So, I am making a list of what I can do to pass the time. Some things I just never had the time to do before.

Rewrite my messy recipe cards
Drive around looking at x-mas lights
Finish my tree skirt quilt
Read a long book
Rent some movies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could make sure to have an extra set of your Christmas card address/labels printed out so that when you start sending Thank you's for the tons of gifts you will be receiving, addresses won't be a problem.
