Because I am braindead and deleted all the pictures from my card (the easiest way to get pictures from my camera to blogger is directly), please visit my shutterfly site. There you will see an update with summer 2009 photos.
(anyone know of an easy way to get photos from shutterfly to my blog?)
To add pictures to your blog, when you're in a post, just click on the "Add picture" (or whatever it's called) button, and then you'll need to grab the address from the photo in Shutterfly ("http:// dot te dot te dot"). When you're all done, just hit "Add pictures" and it'll throw them in the post. It'll put them in the reverse order that you have them, so make sure to start #1 with the pic you want on the bottom (if the order matters to you).
it doesnt work. I dont know what I am doing wrong. anyone else try it from shutterfly to blogger? sarah, I am gonna message you on FB!
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