Everything in my head is in these little compartments. It's quite interesting really.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Am I the warped one?
Then we started talking about work, jobs, household responcibility and that sort of stuff. We pretty well agreed, or came to a conclusion on everything except one thing. this isnt the first time he has said this to me, he says it often. "your not the first mom to work, everyone else has done it before, you can to". OK, got it. However, here is my objection to him saying this as a reason for me to pick up the slack at home. I work 10 hour days, with a 45 minute drive one way. So..... from june-november I wake at 5:30, leave for daycare and work at 6:45, arrive at work by 7:45. Work till 6 or 6:30, and arrive home 7-7:30. I go to bed at 9, and I am the one that wakes with Brady 1plus times a night. I do that 5 days a week. (in april, May and half of june I do it 6 days a week, and they are more then 10 hour days. In the winter my schedule relaxes and I usually work 4 9 hour days each week).
I want your comments! Annonymous is fine by me. I am asking for your opinion. I am a ninny and need to be like the other full time working moms? Or is my hubby in the wrong to compare me with all the other working mom's of the US. Thanks for your comments!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
He has been braver taking some more steps too. He also trys to stand up from sitting without holding on to anything.
such a little boy now.
Monday, October 27, 2008
my organization efforts
Our kitchen counter got attacked this weekend. It is the dumping grounds for when we come in the house. Particularily, the mail. So, I found this unused basket in the house and some colorful files. Made into piles everything on the counters in the kitchen. Then made a file for each: sarah's stuff, chris's stuff, sarah's attn needed, chris's attn needed, bills, coupons, to be filed, and receipts to keep. there was even some room in that basket for a cup that holds pens and scratch paper.
lets hope this helps us to keep our kitchen more organized.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
not even going to repeat it.
You know, he really needs to sensor his tongue. He has said a few things in the last couple weeks that I wont even repeat. In the year 2008, no one should say things like that. What is this teaching our son.
I dont think I have ever been this hurt by him. Sure, he said he was sorry and ment it. but it was so out of line. Incedibly out of line.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Brady's update.
However, he cant catch a break- as now he is fiesty because he is cutting top teeth. He was just a bear last night. On top of that, he has a hellacious diaper rash.... all over down there.... I mean all over. (lots of diahrea the last week or more from his meds is to blame) So, we are gooping him up and changing his diaper often, even letting him wonder around w/out a diaper a little bit to dry things up.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
still taking him in.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
velcro baby: take 2
We noticed some ear tugging the last couple days, and so did tracy. He does not have a fever.
I have the next 2 days off, so chances are, we are going to see Dr. L.
Monday, October 20, 2008
more sleep talk!
Friday, October 17, 2008
books on cd
Brady and I went to the library Wednesday and got a few of them for me to listen to on my way to work.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
sleep obsession continued-
Nights has been hard with Brady's ears, the runs, teething... the bad nights have been more abundant then the good ones lately.
He has been a peach the last couple days. Spunk and energy is back- so he must be feeling better. He has been a pooping machine, the meds must be hard on his tummy. He ate like a rockstar yesterday. We are going to go broke if he keeps eating like this! Beef strogonoff seems to top his list! Now, if we can get him to sleep a little better....
Monday, October 13, 2008
velcro baby
Last night was a rough night. He woke a lot, then didnt want to be put down. I always try laying him back down and rubbing his back before I pick him up, it usually works. Last night it would not work, and when I picked him up he about choked me he was clinging to me so tight. (he has a case of the runs from his antibiotic) Any time I moved, he would wake up and hold me even tighter.
Nights like last night, make me wish I had that comfy rocking chair!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
yep, like his mom
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
misc photos
Photo above really shows just how big this little boy smiles all the time. Below, he 2 little teeth. That's all he has at 9.5 months!
The laundry fiasco. Wear (get it?) do I begin? We got our new washer and dryer. They are fab. Chris LOVES to wash and dry the laundry all the time. I get to fold it, he never folds. It usually does pile up before I get around to folding it. (as he is at home for much more time then I am at home, and really, how hard is it to toss them in and take them out?) Luckily we both work blue collar sort of jobs, so we dont have to be crisp and absolutely wrinkle free. Out of this whole mess, I put about 5 peices back in the dryer to fluff and remove the wrinkles.
Just this morning, he put the load from the washer to the dryer. Called me in a panic on the way to work- he couldnt find his pack of gum. I opened the dryer- and there was gum all over the inside of the dryer, and on the clothes. Lucky for us, we are quite skilled at removing gum, permante marker, paint markers, crayons, tissues, and all sorts of other stuff from clothes and the machines.
is retrain a word?
I'll get back to ya on that in a few years, once I get caught up on sleep.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
retrain my brain
Perfect example. Yesterday I had to make 2 phone calls right away in the morning. One was to call for an appointment for Brady, and the other........ was...... I forgot. It bugged me all day. I knew I had to do something, but I could not remember what. (chris couldnt rememeber either, but I probably never told him). It finally occured to me this morning! I had to make a kennel appt for Oliver for this weekend. duh.
In the past, I have been able to recall and remember lots of stuff with out needing to write them down. things are coming back to kick my in the A$$ lately because I either forgot, or I cant even remember needing to do something.
I'm working on retraining my brain to do things differently then I usually would. eeeekkkk.
Monday, October 6, 2008
yep, he is like his mom
So, I hope this new med knocks out the infection, and we can all be happy and sleep semi-decent for awhile!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
lost the touch
I pulled lots of no brainer stuff while we made and canned the applesauce. I grew up doing this with my mom, but I have never canned w/out my mommy. I read the directions for the canner, so did chris..... we did stuff we didnt have to do... filled the jars too full.... amazingly, the jars sealed!!!!! they over flowed while they were being processed- but they still managed to seal. So, we have some delicious apple sauce for the winter! (after we clean the goopies off the lids)
Oh, LOL. I made breakfast yesterday. Pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Oliver ended up getting 3 eggs, and 6 pancakes because I was such an air head. I dont know what was wrong, but I was clumsie, like it was my first time in the kitchen. It wasnt even funny.
This morning, before work I made the freezer jam. I've done it b4, but yet again, I was like a fish out of water.
What is going on???? I am normally quite talented at this stuff. I had my coffee both days, cant blame that. for the first time in a week I got some sleep (baby b only woke once both nights, as opposed to every 1-2 hours like he had been doing while sick). Maybe it is the 10 months of constant bad sleep affecting my brain? Dont know... but I want that touch back!
Friday, October 3, 2008
political overload
Thursday, October 2, 2008
pure craziness
I like to make up crazy songs. Helps me find humor in things... like waking up at 3:30am because someone doesnt want to sleep anymore (today). so... here is today's song:
You're a little turkey,
we're gonna eat you,
for thanksgiving.
I'll have a thigh,
Dad'll have cheeks,
even Ollie will get a treat.
So I am singing this song over and over, at obscene hours, trying not to cry because all I wanna do is get more sleep.... and Brady is laughing hysterically at me. If only he knew, I am singing a song about eating him on thanksgiving. hehehee. (evil laugh) I told my mom about my song on my way to work, and how I am going absolutly crazy! Turns out, she used to sing to my sister and I about stuffing us in stockings (at christmas time) and shipping us away. Must be where I get the singing crazy songs from....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
feeling normal
I've been thinking about finding someone to ride share with. It's a long haul to work, and even with the kick-ass milage my car gets, it still costs me about $7.50 (currant gas prices) just to go to and come home from work each day. It probably wont work till after thanksgiving, because I dont have much flexiblity until then with the hours I work.
Brady was a hand full last night. I take comfort in the fact that most adults can fall asleep on thier own w/out rocking, nursing, a bottle, or someone rubbing thier back half the night. So there is hope. Chances are, he is just a bit off because of this cold and ear infection.