Friday, June 4, 2010

this. sums. it. up.

The hubby and I have been going round and round and round about some things. Last night/this morning pretty much summed it all up. We have come along ways in 6 months. Before this would have resulted in a fight, and the two of us saying things that we would later regret. Instead it resulted in chuckles, headshakes, and an agreement to disagree.

Here is what happened. Chris had a work meeting. I got home at 6:15, he left at 6:30pm. I fed myself and my 2 boys. got them washed up and jammies on. Got parker into bed and he fell alsleep happily on his own by 7:30. I read books with B until I was sure parker was asleep. (7:30) I told him mama was so tired and he said brady tired too. then I started our little routine. teeth, flouride, prayers, night night everybody, tuck, and lay down with him. (yes still have to do that). He was sleeping by 8, and so was I. Tuckered, long day of physical work.

So I thought, this is great! kids happy and rested. no fights for bed time, and peace in the house. I told Chris about this the next morning. He pointed out that the house was a mess and he would have made sure it was clean before bedtime. That totally sums it up. But, I am happy we are where we are and both have agrred to disagree about this topic and stop fighting about what or who is right or wrong!


Sarah said...

That's great! Rob and I have been on better terms lately too.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Improving here, too. I wasn't gonna comment, but I thought I had to share with you a website that has made it easier to *attempt* to be better at keeping my house clean. I know you are so busy like me, so check out Seriously, I can finally do it...

Catie said...

At least you two can agree about that... my house is still fighting about it.